Prison break
The cell : process cubicle no. 309Prison : Camp RNZ GE Towers
Sentence : A year and a half to be exact
Crime: Responsible for the oil and gas war all over the world
This friday contract prisoner 309 will be released. Yes, I dont mind that I have killed millions. Thousands even. With this passion of mine for the process industry. I made money whilst others died in the process. On March 2007, I was granted the parole and will be released this Friday. Thank God it will be THIS Friday.
And after that I will succumb to a normal lifestyle, busy selling tupperwares for a living like the other domestic engineers. Nah, that is my cover-up. No one in the right mind, who knew me long enough will come to believe that I will do that to make a buck.
I cant help it, it is my thrist. Lately I related my plagarism stories I commited back in uni to my younger inmates, I could see in their eyes that they dont believe me. But it is true, because I was e jack-ass in uni, I made up for it here, in my lil cell, I did my chores. I completed everything they chucked at me. I am not confident the new inmate will be able to do so much in so lil time.
I consider myself the best behaved inmate ever. The fast learner. The best performed, no wonder they gave me te 60% increment. But it all dont matter. I am looking for life. When life bores me to death, I will commit yet another crime to get me back where I started.
The best memory here is the Warden. I will miss fighting with him. I know he will too. After this he will pick fights only to find that no one will rebel the way I did. It is my nature. I am a rebel. I will never confine myself rules made my others. All pure rubbish. I come to realise the bonus was puny amount of money that I dont deserve after all I have experienced here. Some live here half a decade to get where I got.
Someday I will pay it all back to the Warden. I never forget. How far I got and will get was never at all expected. The Warden made me. I am a product of him.
So what got me this far apart from the Warden being so hard on me?
My ego. One thing I will never want to lose ever.