Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Prison break

The cell : process cubicle no. 309
Prison : Camp RNZ GE Towers
Sentence : A year and a half to be exact
Crime: Responsible for the oil and gas war all over the world

This friday contract prisoner 309 will be released. Yes, I dont mind that I have killed millions. Thousands even. With this passion of mine for the process industry. I made money whilst others died in the process. On March 2007, I was granted the parole and will be released this Friday. Thank God it will be THIS Friday.

And after that I will succumb to a normal lifestyle, busy selling tupperwares for a living like the other domestic engineers. Nah, that is my cover-up. No one in the right mind, who knew me long enough will come to believe that I will do that to make a buck.

I cant help it, it is my thrist. Lately I related my plagarism stories I commited back in uni to my younger inmates, I could see in their eyes that they dont believe me. But it is true, because I was e jack-ass in uni, I made up for it here, in my lil cell, I did my chores. I completed everything they chucked at me. I am not confident the new inmate will be able to do so much in so lil time.

I consider myself the best behaved inmate ever. The fast learner. The best performed, no wonder they gave me te 60% increment. But it all dont matter. I am looking for life. When life bores me to death, I will commit yet another crime to get me back where I started.

The best memory here is the Warden. I will miss fighting with him. I know he will too. After this he will pick fights only to find that no one will rebel the way I did. It is my nature. I am a rebel. I will never confine myself rules made my others. All pure rubbish. I come to realise the bonus was puny amount of money that I dont deserve after all I have experienced here. Some live here half a decade to get where I got.

Someday I will pay it all back to the Warden. I never forget. How far I got and will get was never at all expected. The Warden made me. I am a product of him.

So what got me this far apart from the Warden being so hard on me?

My ego. One thing I will never want to lose ever.

Monday, June 18, 2007

About Running

People used to say, you should face your problems. You shouldnt runaway from them. That it builds character and it makes you stronger. But it's always easy said than done. And plus they are the ones watching, so it is easy for them.

Sometimes, most of the times, it is always big enough of a problem that makes you wanna make such decision - to run. There is always a 50-50 chance that facing it might break you rather than making you. That better person, yada yada.

I ran. Once. For more than 2 years, was in complete hibernation mode. Back then it was easy, I left my country for education. But given the chance, if I were in some kinda big mess up, I would not think twice to repeat it.

When I came back, everything was calm, I was allowed to start fresh. And I wouldnt feel ashamed to say, it actually made me a better person. So, what about that "facing your problem" shet?

Today's post has got nothing to do with anything or anyone, just a thought about my past. So, if you are facing some kinda shit, and have a thought about running, do it, usually it takes more gutts to leave everything behind and seek your inner self than to face your God damn problems.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ravi's return

A cousin of mine made a big suprise by returning home from the US of A without giving us all a note that he'd be back. He made a joke about how he didnt have to buy chocolates for anyone if he just popped out of nowhere.

Having heard of his big comeback, I left work early despite the fact that I have got a submission just to meet him. My grandma who's almost 100 went to meet him. My dad left kajang for damansara in the middle of the night just to see him. Basically everyone was so happy and excited, put it this way, he created a chaos.

Now, all of this wouldnt have been if he was in the US for a straight 3 years, neither if it was for 5 years. The last he came back was back in 1990. He's aged now from the last time I met him when I was 9 and he was 28.

The thing about him is that, despite the large age gap there, I was pretty close to him. I used to jump about him. And the meeting yesterday denoted that we connect well. He is 45 but he's cool. I laughed the whole time talking to him. It was like a party at home!

There was this funny incident that I remembered after all this years. Normally people would have forgotten it by now, but I cant take that memory out of my mind. I was suprised he remembered it as well. He is married now. I do not know much about him, but I am glad to know he's doing great.

Ane' Ravi, welcome home dude!!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

aboo's happily ever after

There the times like this when I havent got anything to say. Or my brains are clogged up to come up with anything smart to say. Or maybe the fact that I am drugged. Tilt my head and I feel like the world shudders with me.

But I am gonna write anyway. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. One of my best mate is getting engaged. One hellavu big step for her, or anyone. I know her almost all my life, to think of it, it's been what? 8 years now? Wow, you know they say that some marriages dont even last that long. But our friendship did. You know why? Well, let's put it this way.

Personally I think the people that you know during the "critical years" and stayed on and helped you go through and come out one piece from it, these are the people you cherish. She's one of them. Was there when I had my crushes. Was there when I had my first date, my first kiss. Was there when I thought I fell on love with the right guy, only to find out that he isnt. Was there when I fall out of love. Was there when I was poor, regargless the fact that I was fat. Was there I had all the pimples on my face. She was there even when I was miles away from home.

She was just there for me.

So, here I am hoping that tomorrow will come soon. By the way, she's gonna be my best mate on my big day.

P/S: Abs, hasno is one lucky guy to have met you. I do pray for your happiness and all the good things in life together.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Exclusive on HER

Smile for me darlin'

I like it wen u do that Right Thur

On pick up day: First Fuel feed

Maznida and couple's spa

Maybe I am at the top of the world. One minute you are down, like the world is eating you up, the next you are flying with colours. God's way of showing that he create the rules to your game play.

On Thursday, we collected baby's first "first hand car". She's a black beauty, we decided to call her Maz. I added the suffix to it, just so that she's Malaysianized. Maznida it is. There were moments. He made me the reason to his success. He gives me that security, like everything will be perfect. We will have the perfect marriage and life and everything we will ever dream off. I'm scared. I told him, the truth is, I am not ready for this commitment, but you know what, to think about it, I will never be. So I am gonna commit. Because I know I will be responsible enough to honour it. The love I have for him will be enough to honour it.

Like that is not enough, we both had our first spa experience. I have always wanted to go for one, so did he, but we just never did. On my side of the story, it is because I probably never had "kaki" to experience it. So, we both attended a couple's spa.

Some experience. The 650 bucks he paid was worth it. I had a full body scrub, apparently will work on the firming and jacuzzi to further slim and trim and God knows all the other goodies that will ring chimes when a woman hears it. Then came the traditional Balinese massage. Aftermath of it? Well, let's put it this way. You dont wanna be anywhere near me today. Gosh, I have never been more gaseous in my life!

Having said that, ah I dont care about the couple of thousands they paid the others, I'm the one being pampered, so go fug yourself people at my place! Pres and I are thinking to have a home jacuzzi later.