Sunday, December 25, 2005


Sherrie's dad passed away yesterday @ 12.50 noon.

My deepest condolences to my keluarga angkat, ie. umi, Sherrie and Amir and siblings.

For the muslims, mari kita sama-sama menyedekahkan Al-Fatihah, semoga roh uncle Tahir dicucuri rahmat. Amin.

Monday, December 12, 2005

A breath of fresh air

I have been gone for man, ages! And I miss my blog. So does my ardent fans like Aboo and Sherrie.

I havent got the chance to open the internet explorer. I manage to do it via Pres' PDA but it's a small gadget, susahlar..

So what's been happening to me:

1- I went to my first medical check up. And sial, I could pee in my pants. Which helped because they needed my pee sample. This isnt actually the first time I gave away my pee. The first was when I was at school, apparently I looked so much like a budak jahat that they thought I was a druggie. Like that's not enough, they took 4 ml of my blood. I thought I was gonna die on that bed cum stretcher cum death bed. On that bed, I was fondled. Kononnyer checking for breast cancer. My goodness, stay away from on medical check up! It was lady doctor, so it wasnt so bad. But she asked me question you dont really want to answer like do you smoke, how many sticks a day, do u drink, are you a sexually active person. Bloody hell, even mak aku pun tak tanyer aku soalan cam tuh!

2- I went tru such nitemare with the doctors to attend B.O.S.E.T. which stands for Basic Offshore Safety & Emergency Training. It will start this coming Tuesday. It's a bloody three day course and it's worst than Outward Bound School. I will have to jump from a god 2 storeys building into a fuckin pool. Okay, you are asking a person who's bloody scared of heights, hence it's not gonna be easy. I remember the last time I did something of this sort was at OBS' rope course. Hopefully I pass and will live to see Friday with a Offshore Safety passport in my hand.

3- How's the new working environment. Cozy really. I feel so much like a professional. Personally, I have never felt prouder in my life. But there's the cons to it, like any other pros. No internet surfing and game playing. It's hard to make friends here. I have a few, but I think that'll be enough kot. Easy picture, for Nu and Aboo, this place is filled with kuchengs. Infested with it. I think you go figure.

4- I have been bowling like mad. That's because Pres' is appointed team captain for his team for the inter-Petra tournament. And the competition was held yesterday, of which his team came second out of the 12 teams that competed. Wow! It was fun, really.

5- Narnia. Watched it yesterday. Giler best. I hated lord of the rings. It was simple. LOTR had only 2 colours. Brown or black or a family of it. And what kinda movie have scenes of war in it for like... the whole movie?!!! But Narnia, it was funny. The two beavers were cute. And I think I have a crush on Aslan, the lion. Giler sexy sial... I'm thinking of buying the whole chronicles to it.

Pretty much done my bit of updating now. I'm gonna head for home now, have some brunch.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Yaztech away!

I have this mixed feelings of sadness and happiness. I left for work today thinking... wow, it's my last day.

Man, to tell you the truth, I dont think I want to. People here are just so nice, it is almost impossible to get this sort of "looking out for each other" scenario anywhere else. Trust me, I have worked in another company before. And boy, I was so glad to leave, having to stay another just brings me so much pain.

They had a small farewell party for me. I'm actually overwhelmed by everyone. Now my table's all empty. I wont have this special cubicle where I can do anything I want, like write this blog.

I bid everyone here goodbye. Stone, I just know how you felt when it was your last day here... well, I pray for the best of Yaztech and I pray that I will at least have half the fun working at my future organization.

I'm aware that challenges awaits wherever you work, so I'm just gonna give my best shot. Pray for me guys. And till you hear from me again...