Thursday, December 01, 2005

Yaztech away!

I have this mixed feelings of sadness and happiness. I left for work today thinking... wow, it's my last day.

Man, to tell you the truth, I dont think I want to. People here are just so nice, it is almost impossible to get this sort of "looking out for each other" scenario anywhere else. Trust me, I have worked in another company before. And boy, I was so glad to leave, having to stay another just brings me so much pain.

They had a small farewell party for me. I'm actually overwhelmed by everyone. Now my table's all empty. I wont have this special cubicle where I can do anything I want, like write this blog.

I bid everyone here goodbye. Stone, I just know how you felt when it was your last day here... well, I pray for the best of Yaztech and I pray that I will at least have half the fun working at my future organization.

I'm aware that challenges awaits wherever you work, so I'm just gonna give my best shot. Pray for me guys. And till you hear from me again...