Thursday, January 20, 2005

One of the DAMNED days again

I guess I did not have a good start today.

I feel depressed. My fate has eaten me up again. The truth is, I made these choices. Hence, I am to be blamed.

I have taken many deep breaths since I started my day. Sometimes, I wished days like this just disappeared. Or at least I could. Just be invisible for a bit. A day or so. At least till I am comfortable to come out and play.

The need to just run or fly or dance. That is what I feel like doing.

I'm gonna run off for a fag. My one best friend. As I have said many times. Who will and can never betray my feelings. It will kill me damn rite, one day, some day. But I think my depression will get me first.

What e wednesday. Thank God tomorrow's the last working day for this week.