Saturday, January 15, 2005

Breakfast and Bonding

The most important meal of the day. And I dont intent to miss it. Unless of course, if it is a Sunday, then sleep comes first on the priority list.

Without my breakfast... I get cranky. Actually I get cranky whenever I am hungry. It is scary and annoying, that if I were someone else, I would actually give myself a kick in the ass or a slap on the face. Usually I get scary enough, I dont think anyone dares to even smile at me. That is how bad it is.

I know... I know... I am not an easy person to live with. I only discovered this recently, since I dated pres. I blame it on him. He pampers me too much. For my own sake. But for now, I'm kinda enjoying being the lil baby.

Back to the subject. Breakfast is one of the most essential time of the day. At least for us both, Pres and me. It gives a time, not to talk. But just enjoy the silence moments. Each other's company. Orally unsaid, but presented just by the lil smiles we give each other. I am not a morning person. So I dont speak much in the morning. But you see, by the time strikes 10am, I all vibed up like a bloody grasshopper.

Today's breakfast was special. Pres came up with the idea to have McD's Big Breakfast. And that is one of my favorites, besides Lembaga Getah's english breakfast. My office is just around the corner, so on speacial days, when we feel like it, we'll drop by for Lembaga Getah's.

My breakfast menu doesnt vary much. I have this usual day-to-day list, like a rotor:

1- Makchik's nasi lemak
2- Mamak depan ofis nyer Thosai (with kari ayam, chatenni and dal)
3- Mamak depan ofis nyer 2 Roti Canai (with kari ayam and dal)
4- Lembaga Getah's english breaky
5- McD's Big Breaky
6- Makchik's nasi lemak... again (darn, she's good, wonder what's in it.. hrmm)

Today's issue wont mean much, but I just wondered and realised how speacial it is.

Just breakfast with pres.

Maybe sometime next year.. there will be something more special, like in the movies.. heard of bed and breakfast anyone?
