Friday, January 14, 2005

Seep Through

I was being nice and absolutely bored yesterday.

I had to stay up at my office till 8pm, to wait for the painter to finish his thang. Oh, my office is under some major revamp. Sometimes, it makes me think, whether it's the office that needs the change, or.... is it my boss, having a way to overcome the "MID-LIFE CRISIS"?

Picture this:
Meeting Room - one side of the wall yam purple (if you think it's weird, wait till you hear the rest), one side of the wall black, another red and another white (finally normality).

That is the exact description of my office's meeting room. Yea, you go figure...

So, I was waiting semlm, and pres waited with me, coz I dont wanna be stucked alone with the bangla alone in the office! At nite... tak nakla! Amri (my colleague) stayed along as well.

And I decided to let pres post his bit of doodles on my blog. In case you are wondering what is that "hahahhha" postie is about. That was it. And plus, it's nice to have some of his thoughts here. Whatever the subject he picks to write. It's still... bits of him.

Again... back to the world of boredom