Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Back To The Books again

Pengajian Am Kertas 900/2
Kenegaraan Malaysia Kertas 900/1

and a bunch of others, some from the world wide web itself.

I have been working on my general knowledge lately. It's like a crash course. I saw it coming, but I just thought it would be miles away before I would be summoned to take the exam. An exam that determines my lifetime rice-bowl.

Or not? Who cares? I care. My future is at stake. No it isnt. It's just that, oppoturnity comes knocking only once and it's NOW or NEVER. Trust me, I learnt that fact the hard way. Wasnt pretty but I will remember that for life.

I am learning the things I never bothered to even listen to. Can you imagine at what rate I am going in order just to be accepted.

If this dont fall through for me, let me see, no I will not be working at my current company all my life. I can either:

a) Apply for the exam again. This time, I hope I have better chances
b) Apply for the holiday maker as planned
c) Get the proposal ready for pres and me to get into the BIG picture

These are my current option. Small girl, small world, Big goals. Big dreams.

I have this idea that opportunity are all around us, just waiting to be discovered. But, even a million being discovered, nothing will materialise without the one magic spice that will get the show up and running.


Gutts to tell people about it. To explain. To be criticised beyond your imagination. To be exiled. To fail. Most importantly to get back running after falling.

I believe I have gutts, so does Pres but only when we are together. Like Boney and Clyde. Partners in life as partners in crime.

The time will come. Again I am waiting...

Waiting for my call and I'm up next