Thursday, January 06, 2005

While I'm waiting for Pres to get home from work today

It was only somewhere in last month that I had one of these MCs and here I am again.

Man, I think I am getting old, and unhealthy. I remember those days when I was in sec high and I hardly went to the doctors.

I think work stress is so unbearable, I can almost hear my body cry in agony. It is retaliating back on me. Hence explains my getting ill every month.

Pres thinks I should take a slower pace. Relax and give my body rest. But think about it folks, I'm 24 this year (Goddamnit!) and I have just only begun to earn a living and taste my very hard earned money. So, i tend to shower myself with a hectic lifestyle. I think I damn rite deserve this pace and fun I am enjoying. I mean like, before I know it, I will be 30, god knows if I will be able to even to a simple twist rite? No! I dont twist, I'm just saying this kay.

But time flies faster than what? A bullet at times. It is like I never saw it coming. Next thing, I get married and then the kids then I'm drinking that Osteoporosis milk for God's sake. I do deserve to do myself the favour of having a wee bit of fun while I am able.

I am not blaming Pres or my dad for being concern. These two men are the only men in my life. And with all do respect, I agree with them. Just that I cant help feeling terrified of the rate of my increasing age. This bit when you hear people say: So many things, so lil time.

Exactly how I feel.. so hear I am enjoying my paid medical leave. I will be there at work tomorrow. All fresh and geared.

Sherrie will be back from the US this Sunday. And man, we'll have so much to talk about. I cant wait to hear the good news from her. And I wish to hang out with Aboo.

My life, to tell you evolve around 3 people. Then, occasionally, I will have visitors to visit, friends who came down from the UK for a short holiday or something. Example, Kak Hezlin just before she got hitched, one fun nite that was. And I am glad she thinks pres is a nice guy. I promised to tell her if I met someone the last time I left UK... old time story. Then there was Eliza and Haidar and Ayie.

But the truth is, my life evolves around these three significant beings:

Sherrie, Pres and Aboo (aboo is a girl by the way)

These three that matters. That brought significant changes in myself. Brings me up whenever the world turn its back on me. And I love them all equally. And would go through hell for them three.

I hope all four of us can just sit by a mamak this weekend, just for a nice 5 to 6 hours chat. I know, it's a wonder. That will be just perfect. A perfect weekend.