Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Is Love Really Blind?

I dont think so...

We all look at nice things, and want nice things. However, everyone has their own opinion on beauty. So do I. In a poll of 5 girls and a guy, I was the sole one against Jonny Depp (if that is how u spell it) being HANDSOME (eww!). I might be the only one againts the whole world, who knows.

But I am fine with it. I like one of those nice chubby wobbly scruffy looking guys (yea, bring it on if you r one of them), those who look tough, yet soft at heart. The kind when they do their 'baby talk' with you, makes you wanna laugh. That sorta i'm so-brutal world, but with the touch of my baby's finger, I go all Mr Softy.

I find that a real turn on. That sorta guy. I met 3 so far of that kind. Others were just well, playmates, or some you would just go out with coz I was bored. I know many have been there. SOunds evil, but if the guys can do it, so can MOI!

Anyways, some chiqs out there thinks, that sorta guys are ugly, not so good looking, yea whatever. Does that mean I am blinded of the beauty I choose to like? Face it, everyone goes for beauty. Men, women, even gays and les. But beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. And my defination of beauty goes way deeper than skindeep.

Somehow, I met many shallow minded ones who would date for looks. Yea, like the bimboninas are beauty. Probably, no wonder men with beautiful wives stray. Because when the spark is gone, so is the sex. And she was a bimbonina in the first place when he married her, so there goes one hellavu built up 10 years relationship, or less.

Point is, love is not blind. Unless you are really blind, then you still go for beauty within. I once thought that my looks were a curse, not today, when I actually met some smart men, who seek for connection more than just what's outside. I guess, I just had to go out there and find some.