Friday, December 03, 2004

A year and still going strong

I fell in love with you over a cup of coffee, you had me at 'hello'!

Etc... etc... etc.... Today's post will be mushy, some of you maybe 'yurckkky!' as well. Sometimes a girl needs to get the emo-bit of her out.

Today marks a year ever since me and pres met. Over khairil (his best mate, who was dating my best mate at that time). Somehow, whatever gutsy feelings I have for Khairil, I still do thank him for being annoying enough that me and pres got on well.

From that came the message I first sent at about 12.00am on 3-12-03 to pres. Mentioned he was great company and it was pleasure knowing him. His reply exactly was : "Well, same goes to u...wish we gonna have a chance 4 coffee someday... ninite then, take care"

Wow! Did he just ask me out? On the first day we met! I was excited like a lil girl who just got a pet puppy. Anyways, days picked up as much as our relationship did.

Now, we are so close, at times I can hear his mind narrating to me. We shop for his grocerries, his toilettries, mine as well... from his hair till the yummie boxers of his. It's like he cant do without me. I dont find that dependence a weakness, instead it's a gift. For I know he is a genius, a capable man. Yet loyal and have a lot in his heart to give. And I am blessed to be the one to see all of that in him. He is indeed, my pride, my joy, my sacred love as well.

I learnt the meaning of sacred love from him. How two people can flourish and bloom, all aspects by just the pure presence and company for the other. I learnt how love can be so pure (Thailand dint turn him on! Ahahahah) That he was the man I have been waiting for, how he is the sole being that truly deserve me. I never thought that I could be admired, what more loved the way he loves me.

I guess God was fair after all. What I thought was a wretched life has turn it's course on me towards the rainbows and pretty showers of sun-rays instead of the storm I have been through.

I have never been more intrigued by voyages, travel by sea till I met him for he was a sailor. Travelled the world in a very unique means. As I have been travelling but only to do it the conventional methods like everyone, to fly. Now, I have built a dream of owning our very own boat and to buy an island so you and I could both indulge the sea, sunsets and sunrise after another together.

Baby, you thought me to look at life on another horizon. You said life has its ways, method of tackling it would be the key. You believed on looking out of the box, you and both want to be different. Fact is, we are. And that is why we connect well.

Only a year with each other, already feels like I knew you all my life. Sometimes, I wished my past didnt occur, for I know I wont have these baggages you lift as we stroll our journey. It is fading. It will go one by one and nothing will matter, but us.

With you shahrulfazli, I feel like a woman, your woman, your princhesh. Your lil baby. You give me a reason to be, to stay alive day after day. I dont remember crying with sorrow, except for once when we almost bid our love goodbye. You have instill the forgotten happiness. And now it's not about leaving each other you said, it's about building up our lives together. Well, it is true and that is all I can think about.

You are amazing. How many times have I said that. And I know for a fact that you are good looking, and jeans and cool tees will enhance that better (yummie!) If there is one guy one Earth with pure of intentions, it will be you. You are affectionate, possess empathy. Never have I seen someone so pure. I am the evil knevil one and you are angel.

One year, and going strong. We will never get bored of each other. I know that for a fact. Who would carry me and go running around in One Utama. Who will harrass the lil kids more than we do? Who will enjoy my company even on our reading days (or nites?! :P) Baby, you interests me, you fascinate me... I never felt more loved, more cared for, more pampared, more idolized than today as I am walking the walk with you.

Again... my Wonderboy, you are to me.