Friday, December 17, 2004


I would rather stab my heart out, and then feed it to the fish, rather to feel what I am feeling now. It is the world's worst pain anyone or anything could go through.

Today, I shall draw the thin invisible line with a marker so it would be obvious. To remind me, that I shall come above all. I should prioritize myself.

I am no longer going to be the 'belangkas' I was. I am going to go out there and live life, once again. And this time, I dont really care what is gonna be of us.

Sometimes after all that I have been doing, all this while, feels like nothing but wasted energy. I am leaving him for sure. It hurts like a motherfucker pin in the eye! Only you dont get blinded by it.

He can have the stupid ring back. I dont give a bloody damn. All guys are ungrateful for the blessings brought to life for them I guess. And so be it.

I have had enough with all this tolerating shit. I am gonna give him the so-called space he needs, and have my own set of hang-out buddies, till he knows what space can do. Fine. Have it, and eat the fucking shit cake you asked for!

I am done here. And I am gonna make a change. Hah.