Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Referee blows his wistle.. SAFE!

And so one of my friends dah slamat....

Here are some pictures from the majlis at the masjid last Saturday.

Happy faces shows that we went back with the feeling of content.

Aboo came along for sherrie's wedding. It's nice to have both my best friends along side with one of our biggest events. And the fact that it was pretty much unplanned, Aboo and I turned up in BLUE! And Sherrie's hantaran was blue as well. What e coincidence!

But I know, for Pres and I, somehow we envy the fact that Sherrie and Amir are now one. Both of us wished that we were also standing at where Sherrie and Amir were. Taking that sacred vows, promising to God that they will take care of each other till death do them apart.

Some how, both of knew that our time will come and we anticipate for that very day. Till then, I have lil pictures to cherish while we wait for our time to come.

besfren bertudung
Before akad nikah. Tiga sekawan bertudung

tipah hantaran
Line-up of hantarans

sesudah kawen
Slamat dinikahkan.. pres & I, Amir & Sherri and cute lil Aboo

alar comei
Luar mesjid, aik! Tudung dah terebang ka?