Friday, April 08, 2005

Put a gun in my mouth and pull its trigger, please.. Coz I aint got the gutts to do it

Have you felt angry, and annoyed at nothing at all.. and you then, realise that you are actually angry at yourself?

However, you are so arrogant that you cant accept the mistakes you make on your own. Then, you sit and think on your own how should you go by it, and you decided...

That you should shut yourself out off the world for awhile. Stay in your lil cocoon you call space, and sit alone, crying in the dark.

Then, like that is not enough, people around you care for you and they want to help. But you, being an egoistic bitch say "thank you, but no thanks" by blaming them and kicking them so far away, even your actual bitch (the dog) wont be able to catch them for you.

Well, let's put it this way.. I am suffering from that disease I just mentioned earlier. And I am gonna sit in my lil cocoon for a bit before coming out to play again.

I'm sad and it makes me want to cry when I think of my critical self... sometimes, I ask God "why was I made this way?" Why cant I be like every other person out there who can just go by their mistakes and not look at it as their weakness.

When I make a mistake, it signifies my weakness.

And it shows...

That I am weak somehow.