Tuesday, December 26, 2006

bummer, the aftermath

Just three days of beautiful nothings. Last minute indulging of what's left of this blissful holidays - watching Gol & Gincu till almost midnight.

Then today happened. The aftermath.

Sometimes, I wonder, did the holiday did me any good. I woke up having my eyes swollen, a bad throat and not forgetting the anual event of my wisdom tooth trying its best to give me the worst headache cum temper to the point I am about to explode just any minute now.

For three consecutive days, I had the best 11 hours sleep, so I shouldnt be complaining. Man, I dont even wanna be here, at work I mean.

Believe it or not, I woke up today, having to contemplate whether to give in to my wisdom tooth wrath by visiting the nearest tooth fairy cum my kind dentist and seek an appointment with him to just have it out.

My gums are swollen. I have this pain on my right jaw. And finding it hard to look down, you know that feeling when you have begok? Yes, that is it.

Fortunate me had all four them wisdom tooth, I did not find any wisdom in them, except pain and agony I face alone. Plus the extraction cost me RM 350 each. I brought 2 of them, so I have this other two to live with. Oh, lucky me for having this supposedly extra wisdom.

There's only one good thing I am holding onto, the fact that I am left with only 3.5 days to survive before the weekend, then its the holidays again. These holidays does me good, only if they dont make me feel so nauseatic afterwords.