Wednesday, December 13, 2006


For some apparent reason, I was unable to get into the world wide web. And it is frustrating. Almost as if I was denied my venting facilities.

I was gonna write a lil about teamwork. And then probably just let my fingers do it’s writing, which is what I do most of the time.

I’m just gonna go ahead with it on Microsoft Word, and later when I have access, I will update me blog. Oh looks like I aint the only one frustrated here. There’s this other person trying to use Starbucks free facilities. However, disappointed, she left.

So here it goes…

My kinda job environment requires teamwork. Like a football game, it’s got its playmaker, the manager, the strikers, mid fielder, and the other guys. Having said that, you can almost recognize that my knowledge on football works aren’t as accurate as my passion of watching these guys do their thing on the field. But yes, my job’s a bit like the game, or rather war. War requires teamwork as well, if you really wanna win the battle with glory.

You’ve got the lead who’s like the team playmaker, and the captain and he plays defence too, all at one go. No wonder lead engineers easily earn a five figure on monthly basis, excluding overtime, mind you. Five figures meaning not just 10K, we are talking at least 30K here, depending on number of years in service and experience. You’ve got the senior engineers who do what a pro-striker does. He plays defence when he gets the chance, and most of the time, he manage to mould himself into one of them leads, if he acquires passion and interest in taking up the post.

Then, on second line, you have the engineers, the people with 3 years experience or so. This people carry out studies and assist the seniors and lead into achieving their goals. Mind you, it’s the seniors and lead’s goal that they achieve. They are like the infantry units. And the stronger and harder your infantry works, hence better results achieved.

Lastly, you have the substitutes, like me. Less then 3 years experience. All in all, I should only be called now and then to play. But, my mentor treats me like a true engineer, which is why I work never less than 12 hours. I’m not considered as a fresh substitute but you get them, every time the company decides to hire freshies.

When one of your team mates gets banged, you feel the impact. You try your best to do whatever it is to help one another. When he/she stays in writing reports during meal times, you offer to get them a quick bite from Cold Storage. Now, that’s teamwork in process engineering or the other disciplines too. I try to be a cheerleader too at times, often a mascot. Just to have some laugh in a stressful environment. I try my best to help my mentor, who’s the lead for the current project, just so that he wont throw P&IDs to my other team mates.

In fact, today I screwed up a particular calculation. I owned up to it, and rectified the problem. Explaining to him was the hard bit, but to my surprise, he didn’t get mad. Must be my lucky day.

I’m gonna let you in on a secret, with all this hard work, I don’t think I want to work my way up to becoming a lead. The stress is just too much for me to handle up there. I’d rather be given a study to carry out and I will come up with the concept and solution to it. Besides, what am I to do with 30K every month? The amount of shopping load is just too heavy to bare.

Then again, I can always hire someone to carry all that baggage for me now, cant I?

It’s almost 2pm, marks the end of my lunch break. Back to the battlefield again.