Saturday, May 07, 2005

Starry Eyes

It is yet another beautiful fully-blessed Friday. Thank God.

And in a bit, I will be off to Starbucks, as usual for a lil kopi-talk Sherrie and I try to commit to, now that we all have our other priorities in life.

And, I cant wait. Maybe it is the reason of me loving Fridays soo much, more than I can contain.

I have started on my fourth book of Harry Porter - The Goblet Fire.

Sigh.. what should I get after that to read?

How about Prozac Nation? Or The Alchemist? Or Sophie's World? The list will never end and I can go on and on as I do when I drop by Kinokuniya or mph.

My fav beverage. And I take pride in my coffee. Anyone who knew me from college days and have lived with me long enaf or drank my coffee can tell my talent in making a fantastic cuppa.

So, I'm off to my lovely lunch break with my lovely mate.

Take care ya'll. Happy weekend!