Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Psycho Test

Here are some of the questions which were asked during the PTD Assessment Program (PAC) and believe it or not, I actually laughed or manage to give out a small snuckle while answering.

Damn, it is funny.. some I can remember (oh ya, I selitkan my answer and explaination for it):

Q : Anda pernah putus cinta?

A : Ya

E : Hell yes, and somehow I survived, I am SO PROUD of myself. But why ask? Putus cinta, for a diplomat job, one of the criteria is that you have to experience heart break, or... otherwise? But I think it is more like, heart breaks are probably ones most tragical event, and if you can get that, you can get by anything.

Q : Anda pernah menggelakkan lucah?

A : Ya

E : Hell yea, anyone who knows me will know how otak kuning I am

Q : Anda pernah memperkatakan tentang seks?

A : Tidak

E : Hell, that is one big bloody lie! But under critical measure and searching for a diplomat post, a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do.

Q : Anda merasakan dunia ini penuh dgn derita dan kesedihan?

A : Tidak

E : Just pretend that I am living in one happy world

Q : Anda merasakan bahawa anda membuat satu kesalahan besar

A : Tidak

E : Sometimes, I do, but I'm not that whacked to worry about it like 24-7

Q : Anda pernah minum arak berlebihan

A : Tidak

E : As if! 5 pounds entrance of DV8 in birm and u can drink till u drop, but well... oh did I mention that DV8 in Birm is a GAY club? Ahhahahah

Q : Anda sesekali terasa gembira tanpa sebab

A : Ya

E : I do, sometimes, and I would say it is the weather... kot?

Q : Anda ada masa tertentu yang membuatkan anda gembira tanpa sebab?

A : Tidak

E : A manipulative question, saying like at a certain time of a day say 6pm and u go nuts. I aint whacked if that is what the question meant.

And I was laughing, dont blame me, because it was funny. And it was only normal to laugh, dont you think, unless you are some uptight serious bitch, then you will laugh with me. Talk about a psycho test. It was really men-psychokan!

Oh ya. I am broke, so looking forward to the 28th, get paid and get ... nvm. Erm, who's doing anything special for their moms this coming weekend? I want to, but aint have a clue..

Any tips here? I bought a handbag for mom last year and I dont think she liked it. I guess I am hopeless with ladies stuff, know what I mean? Maybe I should take her out on a play? Or dinner? Clueless...

Ideas guys or gals?