Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Past baggages and Small packages

Life is unfair?

I'm having second thoughts on that one. Maybe it is God's way of making everyone happy. Maybe it's just tests or way of making us be thankful for what we have and where we are today.

I couldnt sleep last nite, why, here are the reasons:

1. Sherrie will be flying of to see Amir (her 'unmet' fiance). And I know how big of a step this is to
her. I was excited too. Couldnt give a hug before she board catch 22 to the US of A. I pray that
everything will turnout the rainbows Sherrie imagined, along with the cotton-candy dreams
too. Coz if not, amir better pray she comes back in one piece.

2. Haidar... my pet brother. My soul healer once. He means the world to me, last time I saw him
when I was in what? 2003, somewhen in June? I remember making a scene in the train,
crying like I was breaking up with my boyfriend. Goodbye with haidar seems so unbelievable.
Today I'll be seeing him again! With pres! Haidar has that typical brotherly protective
character when it comes to the guy I fancy. I wonder what he will be up to tonite when he
meets pres!? Hrm... interesting

3. I dont know why. But I knew there was a mysterious third reason for me unable to sleep.
This excitement to wanna go to work.

Then my enigmas received it's ultimate answer....

Nice things come in small packages, they say. It amazes me what a 9K mail can do to make one's day. Brighten it up like a sole torch of the sun with no heat. I was touched to the point I cried at work. Alone at the staircase. I cried.

Questions answered.
Soul brightened.
Doubts cleared.
Guilt vanquished.
My heart returned.
I lived again.

mb replied the mail I sent him, congratulating and asking for forgiveness. He has forgiven me. He didnt hate me, and doesnt as well... I'm free again.

And now, I can let go... knowing everything is settled with him. I must now get on with my very life. And my other half... pres.

Like I said, life is probably fair... in an absolutely absurb way.

Maybe, this is my happy ending...