Friday, July 14, 2006


the initials. of three sisters, the charmed ones?

the purpose of today's blog is to express how proud I am of my sister who made it as the youngest most intelligent and beautiful member of the family.

My sister Tasha graduated with a master's degree in Chemical Engineering at the age of 21, after having won the Ross Prize from the University of Birmingham on Monday. She manage to make all of us proud by having her name N. NAJMIE DEVARAJAH printed on the wall of fame in the school of Chem Eng this year.

Man... my lil kid sister, God. She's one hellavu freakin genuiz. She's like the only Malaysian who made it on that board. And by God, that board will probably be there for the next 100 years to come.

I thought that having ones name on that board is like a dream and Tasha made it. Damn that devil.

Tash, I'm so proud of you. Mom and dad too. Take care and God bless.