Thursday, September 15, 2005

johny be good

never like elton. elton john.

No, I'm not one of them homo-phobics, it's just that I never liked his voice.

But somehow, he got me last nite. I was driving back from send Pres home, and they played the Sacrifice song. See, I dont even know the real name to it. But yes...

I drove extra slower than usual, just so that I will be able to hear the rest of it before reaching home, and yes, we live really close to one to another. Somehow, this aint enough. You know what they say, "Bagi lutut, nak peha". Just a malay saying, it shows that people will be never satisfied with what they have.

I'm also thinking, is it true that "marriages" and the life that revolves around it promise some kinda heaven? Is it true, the pretty pinks and the bed of roses like in the love songs?

Today I enlighted someone, someone really older, whose married, yet cheats on his spouse. I have a feeling it did him good, looks like it. I do hope it.

I have done my bit of cheating too. I started my application process. For a new job. I'm just sending my CV to every single company there is that does the thing I'm interested in. And hopefully, this will be my final stop before I come up with my own.

And so, CVs away......