Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I had some time to think about life (something I've not done in ages) over the weekend. I stayed at home alone while dad and Pres went to do their 'male bonding' thing.

It felt good being alone at home. Played Sims2 all day on Indra. Procrastinated my work. But it felt like heaven.

I figured out something about myself.

I have never been more relaxed, calm, happy, focused in my life, than I am today. Ever.

I have always had some trouble on my mind. It'll be about money. Or some random guy who rejected my feelings. Or some shit, I dont even need to worry about.

But today, I feel... nyaman. That's probably the best word I can come up with.

Maybe it's because I feel complete. And I know 'he' plays a big role in my feeling this way.

Also, in 2 weeks I will get a confirmation on a certain suprise that you all await for. Some of you have heard of it.

Here I am, still waiting for kata putus.