Friday, July 01, 2005

Passion for the Road

I probably knew this a long time ago, probably just lazy to do it these days, what I used to enjoy:
Driving Alone at nite with the song Name by Goo Goo Dolls in the background

And yesterday, I just had the urge after dropping Pres off at his place, instead of going straight home.. I took another route.

Also, the later you drive, say 12am, the better. Just Aljay and I, no traffic, cruising along the highway is a breeze tru. The silence of the night can be deafening, but accompanied by the Goos, it was perfect. So what's with the song? A long time ago, during the college days, up till today, I have this 'longing' everytime I hear it. If there was one song, maybe to describe me and my nature and my life, Name did it all.